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Sara K.

Hi! I’m Sara K. and I’m a 21 year-old college student from California. I love meeting new people, swimming in the ocean as well as lakes, and love playing music :) I currently have the privilege of lead worship at my church and it has been one of the most special experiences I’ve ever had.
With both my parents being Christians, I grew up in the church, and learned from a young age about the things of God and His Truth. There wasn’t a specific moment that I accepted Christ, but ever since I was sixteen I have been able to really grow and understand what it means to have your whole life transformed by Jesus.
Right now, I’m studying for a business degree and working at a local restaurant. My long term goal is to serve Christ in the hospitality or service industry, whether it’s here in the States or across the world. I am so excited for the opportunities that God will prayerfully open up to make people feel welcome and loved.

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