The past couple of years haven’t been easy for most of us. We experienced a lot of unexpected changes, unknowns, and difficult times. But through it all, I have learned that Jesus is enough. His Word is enough. As the world seemingly falls apart around us, we can cling to Jesus, who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes. His promises to us are true. He is faithful. He is good. He is trustworthy. If Jesus is all we have, we have more than we deserve and everything we could ever need. He is the giver of life and peace, and because of Him, we have hope. Jesus is enough.
I find that I can easily get distracted by the troubles around me and take my eyes off of Jesus. This only results in fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness. But when I turn my focus back to Jesus, I am able to live confidently and in peace because I know He is faithful. Jesus is enough.
As we approach the time of year where many celebrate the miraculous birth of our Saviour, I can’t help but be in awe that the Son of God would come to earth to live a perfect life only to suffer and die a horrific death. As we admire the beautifully decorated Christmas trees with neatly wrapped gifts underneath, may we never forget the greatest gift we have ever received at the foot of the Cross. And now, because of His great sacrifice, we have hope in the midst of a crazy and fallen world.
Friends, Jesus is enough. He has overcome this world and all the chaos in it. Trust Him with everything you have. Keep your eyes on Him. He is life. He is hope. He is peace. He is everything.