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Spending Time With God

Have you ever wondered why we spend time reading our Bibles or praying or evangelizing or any other “spiritual things” that we as believers do? Why do we follow God?

To be completely honest, I’ve been asking these kinds of questions a lot lately.

I was talking with a close friend recently and something they said made my mind spin. They said, “Think about how much time you spend with God. Now think about how much time God spends thinking about you.” In my life right now, there’s a big difference if you’re going to subtract those two times from each other. When my friend said that, I was brought back to my question of *why* we spend time with God.

If God spends every minute of every day thinking about each person on the planet, why do so many of us (me included) spend so little time with Him? He’s the one that made the universe and chose us as His children to love us, and all we give Him is a few minutes of our day? What kind of child is that? Even more than that, though, what kind of friend is that?

But even then, I still struggle with the feeling of being obligated to spend time with Him rather than out of a spirit of love for Him.

So here’s my thought. The more we study who He is, the more we *want* to love Him back, be conformed to His image, and show others who He is. And that is why we’re here on his earth.

So if you ask me why I choose to spend time with my heavenly Father (even in spiritually dry seasons when it’s hard to prioritize Him), it’s because I know that in the deepest part of myself, I know that’s where I’m meant to be … in relationship with the God of the universe. And He deserved everything from my being and so much more than I - or anyone else - could give Him. And as much as I want to fight that because of my own selfishness, I never can fight against it. He wins every time.

I hope and pray you can come to that same place as well because our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the universe, deserves every part of praise we could ever offer Him.



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